What it means to give differently, and why you should be thinking about it.
An Alternative Giving fund is a pot of money used to invest in the futures of people experiencing, or at risk of experiencing homelessness. It’s a way for members of the public to give money knowing that it will help someone who is vulnerable or experiencing homelessness.
Giving money to people on the street isn’t always the best option, because although it may buy them dinner, it also means they can survive longer without permanent accommodation.
Alternative Giving is about helping people break the cycle of homelessness for good by providing long-term support on the journey to independent living. Examples of how the funding can be used include a contribution towards utility bills, a training course, clothes for a job interview or furnishing a new home.
The schemes differ from location to location but in general, people who need access to the money will work with someone frontline to submit a funding application. The application will then be seen by the committee who sit over the fund. Ideally the committee will be made up of a diverse team, often including people with lived experience of homelessness.
Each city has its own formula to success - what works well for one doesn’t necessarily work for them all. Because of this, your alternative giving fund needs to begin with trial and error. Luckily, we have a whole network who have done exactly the same before you and are happy to share their blueprints and experiences.
What all successful Alternative Giving schemes have in common is a strong partnership. Alternative Giving has benefits for lots of different sectors including BIDs, police, and councils. Assembling those people to decide on your scheme’s purposes is the first step.
Then - talk to us. Whether you’re in Street Support Network or not, let’s chat and we’ll connect you with people who can guide and advise you in your Alternative Giving journey.
Additional alternative giving Resources:
Alterinative giving funds we have supported: